I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
I know many of you have purchased my books, and hopefully read and enjoyed the epic little page turners. I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
The Powers That Be Series
Author notes on a diverse range of topics relating to the Powers That Be Multiverse.
I know many of you have purchased my books, and hopefully read and enjoyed the epic little page turners. I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
Attention book reviewers: The Blue Spark is on NetGalley for a limited time!
Your muse is the random and often amazingly prescient little whisper inside your head inspiring an unquenchable pursuit of creativity. Ignore it at your peril.
We’re giving away three first edition signed copies of THE BLUE SPARK, Book Three in The Powers That Be trilogy! Enter today and good luck!
Seeking talented and knowledgeable book lovers to sign up for ARCs of The Powers That Be trilogy
The roots of my science fiction series begin at the pen-and-ink-blotched nascency of my original aspiration: creating the next Calvin and Hobbes.
As Charlie Brown would lament, “Memorial Day has come and gone until next year.” I‘m tempted to say time is accelerating, but it sounds cliched.
Futuristic visionaries weave complex time-traveling tales across a broad spectrum of sci-fi sub-genres for books, television, and movies …
… tinfoil hat conjures visions of a threatened society attempting to shield itself from deep-state government entities and, worse yet, telepathic aliens …
Intriguing casts of characters and mind-blowing events inside each Powers That Be short story interweave with the eponymous science fiction trilogy’s epic sci-fi novels’ timelines.