I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
I know many of you have purchased my books, and hopefully read and enjoyed the epic little page turners. I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
The Powers That Be Series
I know many of you have purchased my books, and hopefully read and enjoyed the epic little page turners. I hate to ask, but I need reviews.
Your muse is the random and often amazingly prescient little whisper inside your head inspiring an unquenchable pursuit of creativity. Ignore it at your peril.
Seeking talented and knowledgeable book lovers to sign up for ARCs of The Powers That Be trilogy
Intriguing casts of characters and mind-blowing events inside each Powers That Be short story interweave with the eponymous science fiction trilogy’s epic sci-fi novels’ timelines.
Patience, I have it. A famous author was asked what it takes to write a great novel. He replied: Patience. Who...
The new final artwork for THE LOST SHIP book cover. The Lost Ship The Powers That Be TrilogyBook Two A...
Enjoy this sample previewing the opening of Dog vs. Alien, a tale set in the Montana wilderness pitting our best...
Enjoy this sample previewing the opening chapters of the 5,290 word short story titled The Special, an action-packed science fiction...
The Golden Ellipse Promo Video Introducing a short 24-second YouTube video showcasing The Golden Ellipse, Book One in The Powers...
In this second blog post dedicated to introducing the diverse cast inhabiting THE GOLDEN ELLIPSE, meet the brilliant ET enigma known as Ping.